Project Progress
We chose the XML parser JDOM for creating and configuring XML documents.
The reason for we chose JDOM is that it is a Java based parser and it is free to download at
How to install JDOM
The most current version of JDOM is always available from the JDOM web site,
JDOM installation is as simple as extracting the compressed files into some suitable location and running a single script.On Microsoft Windows, the files will extract to a folder named jdom-b7.
The important thing is that you have to set the CLASSPATH AND JAVA_HOME variables.
How to set classpath
On microsoft windows,take environment varibles, set the path of your installation direcotry
How to install and compile jdom class filesOn MIcrosoft Windows,take command prompt
type c:\jdom-b7\build
build is a batch file which is loacted in JDOM directory.
The build script will compile and install the JDOM class files. Actually, the script will really just call the Java ANT program (included as part of the JDOM archive), and ANT will handle the compilation and installation.
Reference site :